The Institute offers help for those seeking knowledge, advice or training in the field of negotiations. The Institute plays an active role in the public debate, stressing the importance of negotiations in the public domain. By organizing public events, both large and small, and by doing research and casework, the Institute aims to deepen understanding in the general public on negotiations.
Panel Reviews on Negotiation Dilemma's (PRND)
Johan de Witt never accepted gifts, the only thing he accepted was a warm meal. The De Witt Institute offers a unique opportunity for you to have experts evaluate your negotiation dillema's. We bring the experts together over a warm meal. In an anonymous setting, you present your dillema to a group of experts you only know by their first name. We will have an open and frank discussion to understand your dillema's and will offer advice and possible courses of action, which you can take back to your organisation.
Negotiation Strategy Consulting and Auditing
Understanding how to effectively negotiate and collaborate while protecting and enhancing relationships are essential skills that leaders, managers, and staff of virtually every successful organization must possess or acquire. Through evaluation, instruction and advising, De Witt helps organisations build a culture that fosters negotiation and collaboration, which should lead to higher value agreements.
The Institute offers 2 phases of training.
PHASE 1 Essentials of Negotiation
The Institute offers training on various aspects of negotiations. During this training you develop essential knowledge and skills for negotiations. We help you develop a proactive approach to
controlling your important negotiations through the most advanced set of planning tools, which offer you control and opportunity no matter who appears to hold the balance of power. You will
have an understanding of the appropriate way to negotiate in any given circumstance.
PHASE 2 De Witt Week: Program on Advanced Negotiations (PAN)
This program is for the finest; only open for those who qualify. We offer a three-day training by Harvard professor Robert Bordone, (Thaddeus R. Beal Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the founder of the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Program). This training focuses on leadership-level individuals, interested in complex negotiations and dealing with the most difficult situations in negotiations. Three days of reviewing, inspiring and reflecting. Our trainers will be by your side by coaching and informing, with the aim of changing attitudes, beliefs, confidence, ability and performance.
This training takes place from in the last week of June in the Hague. Interested individuals should contact the Institute
Scholarship Program
The Witt Scholarship Program offers a select number of talented individuals the opportunity to receive a scholarship to take part in the Program on Advanced Negotiations. The Scholarship Program is very selective and is only intended for talented individuals who are highly motivated to pursue this program.
Details on the program and on how to enroll are can be obtained by contacting the Institute
Pijnboomstraat 49 - 2665 ZJ THE HAGUE
Rekeningnummer NL02BUNQ2206761572
KvK: 72113766
BTW: NL858990684B01